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From the Author.

Men of Kalaga

A rich nerd with a fat bank balance dates a girl and impresses

her by clicking pics left right n centre and showing her all stunts

with apps on

his phone. 

On the contrary, the man of machismo does nothing, looks at her

once and says,  " I think I'm done with my coffee.

Time to say goodbye." places the cup gently, gets up,

turns around

and walks off with the swag.

Though the above are two extremes in male personality types,

the former as in the nerd ( the very tech savvy gentleman

who had spent less time  grooming himself and more on

grooming his finances) has become imminent in the present times

making them easily available to many a damsel looking for quick

solace in life. This domination of the same category has surpassed

the conventional image of the machismo man or the alpha male today. 

The reason why I had to bring up this is because my book Kalaga

revives the second personality type in men that is almost to be on

the brink of extinction though my book promotes the protection of

extinct species. The vigilantes mentioned in my book Kalaga

are of highly sophisticated magnitude in behaviour, thinking and

expression and portray the sense of assertive impulse and still

upholding values of honour and chivalry in their very breath.

Some of the most powerful things in the universe can't be caught on camera. The same goes with powerful men not being so much in the limelight for their own reasons. 

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