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CEO at 20

Objectives Worthy Followers

 ' You can steal my success but can never stop me succeed.'      

- Kalaga LM Jayaraj       


When I was 20, I was privileged to be the CEO of an Educational Institution and had much to do with society and public relations along with catering to the educational standards of progress. Thus I had been exposed to situations way beyond the present stance of mere posting and clicking pics online. It was more of an achievement in reality than what we brag about these days with views, likes and shares in the online world.

Moreover, I was far from being acquainted with office politics, flirting work avoidances and other inevitable vices of the contemporary of all times though they have risen to colossal heights these days.

More than all, I had seen life and victory at a very early age and found it rather whimsical to see how people crave for progress and achievement today while many don't even reach half their dreams with all the accreditations and qualifications they slog for. The reason I had to bring up this is due to circumstances of a high-end disorder pertinently witnessed in most of the recent organisations where I had worked and quit due to the same reason. Its quite possible one or all them may have come across my blog and have been successfully updated about my present silhouette with my head held high. For how can someone who has seen the best of glory and honour ever settle down for anything less?

Once a leader -Forever a leader

Contrary to the proverb: 


“ You can't have the cake and eat it too.” I’ve always had my cake and ate it too right since my first Birthday and ever after in life. This was possible only by the grace of God and the blessings and sacrifice of my mother that stand insurmountably strong against every storm condensed and subjugated in time with fiery brave hearts we've been bestowed with.


Never once did I nor would ever give a whit to the existing biases and prejudice over age prevalent in most corporate offices today that have corrupted every ethics and etiquette but will still keep proving myself with sophistication and self-esteem to achieve and serve the society through Kalaga to the best of my abilities and worth of the strong order of my upbringing.   #Brave003

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